"I Am the Same During My Life"
While this blog highlights seven shields it is also intended to be about the source book for these illustrations "Atlas and Cyclopedia of Ireland" 1900 1904 Murphy and McCarthy Dublin London New York.
Besides historical information maps and photos on 32 Irish counties at the turn of the 20th Century the 400 colour heraldry shield plates, on closer investigation, reveal a strangeness never seen before or since in books on this subject.
Besides historical information maps and photos on 32 Irish counties at the turn of the 20th Century the 400 colour heraldry shield plates, on closer investigation, reveal a strangeness never seen before or since in books on this subject.
Far from being the usual parade of "pretty" and "symmetrical" images traditional heraldry serves up [usually for a hefty fee] many of the shields are violent, crude and unbalanced and seem to be fragments of a long forgotten comic strip.
Some shields are quite mesmerizing in their image energy and seem to be conveying a lot more information to the brains hidden consciousness areas then a casual observer would first realise.
This would indicate that they are authentic compositions from a less polite society one perhaps more attuned then the modern world to the forces that really matter.
According to a Melbourne bookseller this publication was sold door to door in Australia in the 1920s and presumably this was also the situation in Ireland, England and America.
A selection of shield motto's were quoted as an appendix in the book "Are You Irish or Normal?" by Sean O'Grada the son of Australian author John O'Grady who penned, under the name of Nino Culotta, a humorous and popular 1950's Italian immigrant novel titled "They're A Weird Mob".
A digital version of "Atlas and Cyclopedia of Ireland" is available online*
*I recently discovered that, for some inexplicable reason, this link no longer includes the 400+ heraldry shield colour plates but the Quintin CDROM ISBN 1-58211-179-0 has them and there are quite a few of the original books available from online suppliers for a reasonable price.
*I recently discovered that, for some inexplicable reason, this link no longer includes the 400+ heraldry shield colour plates but the Quintin CDROM ISBN 1-58211-179-0 has them and there are quite a few of the original books available from online suppliers for a reasonable price.